Biden For President - Let The Games Begin

"Delaware's own" Joe Biden who has never seen a tax he doesn't like, a United Nations USA Soveriengty stripping treaty he won't promote or a intrusive big government program he doesn't support has decided to throw his mouth ... I mean hat into the ring of battle for the Socialist Democrat Presidential Nomination.

Besides leading off with a major gaffe in which he praised Barack Hussien Obama for being both Black and Clean (the drive by leftist media has given him a pass of course); Joe went right to work on his Closet Commie Competitors.

Stating the obvious that John Edwards doesn't know what he is talking about regarding "Breck Girl" Edward's plan for the immediate removal of 40,000 troops from Iraq ; Biden proceded to mock Edwards in a pretend debate.

Joe also correctly referred to Obama's gross leadership inexperience and his avoidance of comming out with a plan of his own regarding Iraq.

But the topper was when Joe called Hillary's position on Iraq disasterous (not that his is anything to write home about) and then proceded to rail against her in hushed tones of course about her high negatives polling numbers. Comrade Joe even refered to her as unelectable in spite of her husband trying "every legitimate tool" to help her.

If Joe keeps shooting his mouth off like that Hitlary who is known for her arrogant vindictiveness and bad temper won't wait to see if Joe actually becomes a real rival and threat to her grandiose designs of presidential power before sicking her small army of sleazy private investigators and character assignators on the Wilmington Windbag. Remember as soon as Obama became a threat to her eminance word mysteriously got into news about Obama's shady real estate deal in Chicago. Recently Insight Magazine broke the news about Hillary's Hacks going to Indonesia because they have reason to suspect that young Obama attended an Islamomainiac Madrass in his early years.

So sit back and watch the circus, it should be fun while it lasts.


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