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What I'm thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day !
I am far and away most thankful that 38 years ago God reached down into the life of a young man who was convinced that such a thing as true love did not exist, a young man who was estranged from his family, carousing and constantly getting wasted on marajuna while he observed the world spinning out of control on the fast track to hell. After about 3 months of resisting the growing evidence of God's Love for the world through His Son Jesus Christ and numerous wake up calls, shake ups, gentle nudgings and other assorted workings of God The Holy Spirit in his life this young man finally was brought to his breaking point by The Holy One and surrendered his life in repentance to The Lord in belief and acceptance of the Atonement of God The Son for his sins. That young man's life took a 180 degree turn that evening as he passed from death into life and became a child of The Living God.That young man was me, I belong to Him. He has been with me since then through all of life's good times and bad times, through all my struggles and successes, all my failures and victories. Everything good that I have has come from Him and Him alone, whether friends, family, talents or worldy goods. He mercifully brought both of my sons to eterneal life and has been with my family. Nothing and no-one can compare to Him, He alone is God and He alone is good ! Everything else no matter how good takes a distant second to this reality. Some of you might find this impossible to accept or understand. You may think it strange or even funny, some of you may even be offended (if so you really need to ask yourself why). But whatever the case I can't deny what God has done for me or ever cease to proclaim it or thank Him !