Sandra Fluke Useful Idiot or Agent Provocateur ?

Sandra Fluke the innocent victim of Georgetown, a Catholic University has been wronged ! You see the college's student health care plan does not cover prophylactics so poor Sandra and other sexually promiscuous coeds are forced to pay for their own birth control. Funny how the dilemma faced by this obscure student came to the attention of the subversive Democrat Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and launched this woman into the national spotlight. Fluke who is in reality an agent provocateur obviously didn't engineer this thing by herself. Her story of victimization is a familiar one in fact it is a standard subversive democrat marxist template. Called on by Pelosi in an attempt to provide sham congressional testimony  about the Democratic Party's contrived "Republican War on Women" and hyped by the sophist news media and other lying leftist hacks Ms Fluke supplied the perfect victim in need of rescue from backward moralists and conservatives opposed to Obamacare.

Federal Law currently prohibits our tax dollars from subsidizing birth control and Infanticide (abortion). The continuance of this policy is supported by "backward moralists" otherwise known as fiscal conservatives", moral conservatives  and many other Americans !  Obamacare puts and end to this policy and forces employers to subsidize so called medical care that is contrary to the deeply held moral convictions of many Americans. For Obama and his amoral cohorts One's rights to live life according to the dictates of  one's conscience and faith ends at the door to one's business.  To help push the Obama agenda forward the amoral secular humanist communists who call themselves Democrats  needed a poster child and Sandra Fluke fit the bill !

Funny how in this day when any woman (especially this 30 year old poser) can supply herself with generic birth control pills from any Wall Mart Pharmacy for about $5 a month after getting a Doctor's Prescription we are supposed to believe that this woman and her cohorts were unable to fund their supposedly busy sex lives. Well actually the uniformed Joe and Jean six packs, Soccer Moms,  Democrat Voter Drones and other assorted  blissfully ignorant American voters were supposed to taken in by her tale of  unjust suffering and woe.

By the way if her story is to be believed,  I I'd like to know how she and her fellow victims found enough time to study with such busy sex lives, I guess they  must have posted crib notes on their sex partners foreheads. 

We are supposed to believe that even though Sandra and company were intelligent enough to finish their undergrad degrees and gain acceptance to a prestigious law school like Georgetown they lacked the  intellect to figure out how not to go broke paying for their own birth control ? And it was all Georgetown, actually the Catholic Church's fault due to it's abusive and primitive religious beliefs !. Yes those misogynists where denying Ms. Fluke and her fellow coeds their right to engage in premarital sex by refusing to pay for their choice of birth control.

In addition  to poor Sandra according to the Pelosi dog and pony show  there was also the  sorrowful tale of the poor woman who suffered intense shame and embarrassment when she discovered that there were not enough pennies in her moth eaten purse to pay the pharmacist for her birth control pills.  I guess the exercise of self control is considered torture.  And don't forget the phantom woman who due to this abominable student health care program denied herself medical treatment after being raped which would have been covered by her insurance if it actually happened.

In my book her attempts at dissembling and deceiving the American Public make this leftist tool worse than the whore that Rush Limbaugh rightfully referred to her as.  Rush's invective was based on her phony little bio.

Actually referring to the this woman as a whore is really an insult to women of loose morals everywhere.
 Ms. Fluke is nothing more than a lying leftist mole seeking to further the Soros/Alinsky agenda of the Subversive and Chief Commie Slim Obama and the Secular Humanist Marxist Left which now controls the Democrat Party. It's  vile tentacles have long ago  taken control of news media which gleefully provides the stage for this drama to play out according to script. The end design is to manipulate the perception of the masses until they have willingly given the power over every aspect of their lives to the apparatus of a leftist controlled government..

 Ms Fluke and her ilk are change agents for a system of government and oppression which is parasitic in it's very nature. So if you need a nickname or tag for this rascal, rather than calling her a Ho just call  this provocateur Sandra Flukeworm. After all her and her ilk seek not only to suck the wealth from hard working Americans and redistribute it to themselves and their core constituents, they seek to destroy the  freedom we have to live our lives according to the dictates of our consciences and the precepts of our religion. They seek to destroy freedom itself, to suck our souls dry,  they seek to impose their will, their degenerate amorality and their socialist utopian nightmare upon us.

Ergo Sandra Fluke has earned any disgusting invective that any American Patriot has chosen to add to her name ! I prefer the name of a parasite !

Rush, you shouldn't have apologized !


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