Experiencing the Corporate World

According to the man who wrote " The Peter Principle" in the business world a man rises to the level of his incompetence. In today's office cubicle world it appears that there are more than a few individuals who rise past the level of their incompetence. Driven forward by an unhealthy need to please people or greed and egomania they thrive in a world  framed by the delusion of corporate group think. Higher and higher up the ladder they attempt to climb, their path littered with their own cowardice and stupidity  taking advantage of hard working and talented people occupying lower positions in the pecking order, closing their eyes to anything that does not comport with the latest corporate vision or any reality that flies in the face of what has been stated as progress or shows up the proclamations of their superiors, ignoring the alarms raised by their underlings and the abuse wreaked on  outraged customers, the house they're building grows ever flimsier. The house they are helping construct rests on the sloppy efforts of their underlings who are forced to construct a facade of accomplishment by rushing through project after project.  But all is well in the corporate Never Land framed by the myopia of it's cadre of "leadership".  But sooner or later things will unravel. Contracts will come up for renewal and the reputation created by one's works driven by one's craven self interest will spread far and wide.  And it will be ugly !


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