The Ferguson Fiasco

The citizens of Ferguson Missouri are bracing for riots. It is beyond tragic that the morally vacuous local politicians have allowed this situation to fester. Because of their weak character,  lack of intelligence and integrity they've been unable to  do anything but pander the promoters of Political Correctness in the news media and the cadre a race hustlers who are milking this tragedy for all that it is worth.  

It all came about because a white policeman took down a brutal street while defending his life.  Since then an  assortment of  bigots, trouble makers and revolutionaries have been taking advantage of  this situation to further their vile agenda.  It's not just the typical race hustlers like the NAACP, Je$$e  Jack$on and Al $harpton who are stirring up the pot taking advantage of bigoted morons, the misinformed, low life's and the nameless mob turned into dimwits by their own pernicious prejudice and stupidity. A major part of the seething rage getting ready to erupt into violence is the result of the street organizing and rabble rousing of America loathing subversive organizations like the new black panther party and individuals like the racist communist criminal who infests the office of the attorney general of the United States and his boss Commie Slim !

Cowardly Politically Correct pandering politicians have provided the perfect breeding ground for the disaster that's coming when or should I say if the Grand Jury performs its' duty and acquits the officer of any wrong doing. The exonerating evidence  includes the eye witness testimony of many black bystanders as well as the preponderance of forensic evidence and even the analysis of one of the most widely recognized and esteemed forensic experts hired by the thugs family in their attempt to destroy the white police officer.

The thug Michael Brown and his partner in crime had just strong armed the owner of convenience store and taken some cigars by force from the owner's store. The brand of cigars stolen are a favorite of street thugs for emptying and filling with marijuana. The officer saw them walking in the street shortly after their crime and told them to get on the side walk. Brown an intimidating young man who was about 6 feet 5 inches of solid muscle attacked the officer in the police car, attempted to take the officer's gun and shoot him, broke the officer's orbital bone in the attack ran away with his low life friend. Brown was shot once in the arm in the car. The stunned officer shaking off the effects of this brutal assault  got out of the car and started to pursue Brown and his accomplice yelling at them to halt. Suddenly Brown turned and charged the policeman who commanded Brown to halt. Brown charging like an enraged  bear kept coming, The officer pumped 5 shots into Brown at close range, the final one hit Brown in the head killing him. Brown's thug friend lied through his teeth  saying on camera accompanied by an race hustling black activist that the officer chased him and Brown, shot Brown in the back, and murdered him execution style while Brown was on his knees begging for mercy. Public officials lack the courage to have this punk arrested !

Since then innocent citizens of and around Ferguson have already been subject to physical attack, damage to their property and the destruction of their businesses. There were numerous demonstrations that turned into vicious riots at night. And while things have calmed down over the last few months the leaders of these riots are promising to light things up even more if the officer is not arrested and charged with murder. Calls for the officer's death have been have echoed in the streets.  Gun sales are brisk and understandably so as residents live in fear of what is to come.

The irony of ironies is that rather than cool matters down the Federal Community Relations Service which was created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to bring community peace in these kind of situations and is an arm of the Department of Justice is now stocked with street activists, rabble rousers, and subversives who rather than soothing things down and working for healing and harmony are stirring things up. Sadly it shouldn't surprise anyone familiar with the background, associations, beliefs and agenda of  Eric The Red, Obama and their fellow travelers who now infest the Federal Government.  These 2 faced vermin have placed these trouble makers in CRS for just this purpose. Saul Alinski must be casting an evil contemptuous smile up from the depths of hell as his disciples execute his agenda to destroy our nation so it can been be remade into his Socialist Utopian Nightmare. Obama in his former years taught Alinski's revolutionary tactics of community organizing to college students and was an active in a number of sinister organizations founded by Alinski's followers.        

In many ways Ferguson has become a microcosm of the societal degeneration and expanding racial divide that is the direct result of the implementation of Alinski's
strategy to take down this nation. Just call it part of Obama's change you can believe in.


Anonymous said…
O ne
B ig
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M istake
A merica

Je$$e Ja¢k$on and Al $harpton

Don't forget the NAACP is now the NAALCP

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