Theresa May's failure to acknowlege the real problem

Sad that part of her cure for the vile islamomaniac evil is an international agreement to control the internet that once enacted can be used to shut down any thoughts, ideas or communication the eltes wish to silence. She of course is right about her country creating and feeding the disease by tolerating and allowing those who hate western civilization, christianity, judaism and freedom free reign to spew and spawn their pernicious and vile ideology. But is still contributing to her country's destruction by refusing to admit that what she is witnessing is islam as it has always been starting with it's raving maniac murdering mutilating raping pillaging demon possessed pedophile founder. Madame Primeminister like those before her has used the power of government to snuff out the free thougjt and speech of her people by pushing the deadly philosophy of polical correctness. Brits are exected to live in an alternate reality where all religions, cultures and countries are basically the same  and none are inherently evil or inferior with the exception of Western white males.   She like other elitists is responsible for sissifying and denegrating her people and culture while also disarming them.

As long as Ms May and her fellow leaders and elites demand that the conciousness of their citizens order their lives and actions according to this alternate reality, tefuse to acknowledge what islam actually is, keep importing people whose core values are hostile to their own and refuse to deport them the horror show won't cease


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