Lamala Haris

Who is she besides a total moron ? The assault weapon hustle is nothing but part of a strategy to gradually  disarm Americans.  First of all the right to keep and bear arms is so key to preventing tyrants and despots from seizing power that our founders put it in the Bill of Rights following the right to speak freely and practice one's religion free from government interference. (Small wonder psychopaths like Obama and the Clinton's despise our Constitution. The evidence of gun ownership by law abiding American citizens acting as a deterrence to crime and an instrument in thwarting the acts of violent thugs is overwhelming. I suggest that this numbskull relocate to Washington DC or Chicago if she really believes what she's proposing and refrain  from ever hiring body guards after all the police can protect her. Better still let her move to Australia or England whose rates of violent crime have gone through the roof since their enactment of draconian gun laws. You know what,  forget that let her relocate to a country where firearms are illegal and experience life in their culture. She'll be safe, we all know that when law abiding citizens are disarmed criminals would never dream of owning a gun.


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