The Minneapolis Riots

The Minneapolis Riots

So obvious that the degenerate subversive Black Lives Matter sabateurs and other America hating revolutionary organizations were prepared to pounce as soon as the opportunity presented itself. That there are still so many maladjusted mislead pawns in the minority community is the real danger and problem. Blm and their fellow sociopaths like the communist subversives before them  have been busy laying the groundwork to effect the perceptions and play on the ignorance, and base side of human beings in communities whose culture makes them most vulnerable to be manipulated. The main difference between them and their predecessors is the huge assist the recieve from corrupt politicians, the decrepit sophist media, useful idiots like lebron james, assorted nitwit sports heroes, our corrupt education system and our warped pop culture

Look, what happened to that man was inexcusable, brutish, stupid, henious, ugly and evil. Those responsible should be facing murder charges. These riots like all the rest of the social justice hustle were never purposed by their creators to have anything to do with justice


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