The riots come to Fishtown .... NOT !

Many members of my wife's family still live in the Fishtown section of Philadelphia. The rioting racists and degenerate subversives didn't limit their activities to Center City but made their way up Frankfort Ave devasting everything in their wake. One of the Black Lives Madness Sociopaths publically stated that they were going to go after the white racists of Fishtown and take what was theirs. Antifa/BLM even planned one of their viscious riots for a park accross from a police station. The non-hipster citizens of Fishtown weren't having it. With the National Guard staying down in Center City a large group of citizens armed with a few guns and alot of baseball bats surrounded the police station to protect the police. Likewise similarly armed groups of citizens guarded shopping areas. And guess what ? The loadmouthed viscious Antifa BLM sociopaths never came ! The local media vermin potrayed these citizens as racists ..... of course


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