NAACP or You've Come A Long Way Baby
In light of their latest escapades, it's fairly obvious that the NAACP has long departed from it's original mission. During it's early days Dr Marin Luther King Jr spoke about a time that would come when a human being would no longer be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Sad to say that vision didn't last long. The NAACP and other like minded groups have become the proponents of reverse discrimination using the power of their organizations to push the Federal Government to enact laws that forced various institutions and businesses to enroll and hire people based on their skin color. So much for the idea of a man (or a woman) being judged on the content of their character or level of achievement.
In my opinion the worst thing about their current condition is that they have gone beyond mere race hustling and have embraced anti-american socialism. The fact that they are so quick to jump to the aid of the communist front, race baiting New Black Panther Party, pressure the DOJ to let them off the hook for voter intimidation and then to attempt to marginalize the Tea Party with their blatant lies are more in harmony with the strategy outlined in Rules for Radicals than they are with the brave actions of their long gone past and the principles they were supposedly founded upon.