How to Lose the Battle to Stop the Funding of Murder Inc
Once again the GOP leadership has been out smarted and out maneuvered by the amoral Democrats and their Stooges in the News Media. For years Murder Inc, aka Planned Parenthood has found a way around Federal Law which prohibits our tax dollars from funding abortions.
Last year Planned Non-Parenthood received over 300 million dollars from the Federal Government for the express purpose of rendering preventive testing and patient education. The dirty little secret is that Planned Parenthood does not, nor is it qualified to render preventive testing, unless you count a breast feel-up as preventive testing. Patient education Planned Parenthood style involves a hard sell to convince women to allow the P P staff to murder their child in-vitro (known as a safe and legal abortion). If the mark (woman) is not pregnant PP staff will provide the women with information about more conventional forms of birth control and encourage her to make sure her partner(s) uses a condom. So the short of it is that Murder Inc takes hundreds of millions of our tax dollars under the pretense of rendering preventive care and uses those dollars to murder children which is illegal and that makes them guilty of fraud. (And much worse !)
Since the current crop of GOP leadership lacked the courage, passion, and commitment to make the fraud argument during the most recent budget battle they were successfully portrayed by the amoral Radical Democrats and their Fellow Travelers in the so called News Media as wanting to kill women, destroy a women's right to choose, and of being mean spirited, uncouth primitives.
The argument about Murder Inc being guilty of fraud never reached the airwaves or the ears of most American Citizens and Murder Inc is still open for business with a big assist from our tax dollars
Murder Inc is a billion dollar a year abortion business, period, end of story. The hundreds of millions of dollars they are raking in over the corpses or our children without our tax dollars is not enough for these hell bent degenerates. The need to extort money from the rest of us as well. And beyond that, with our money comes with the imprimatur of government that legitimizes their evil enterprise and assists it in moving forward.
We've got to elect men and women of not only of high moral principle, but courage and passion as well. Men and women with the will and the intellect to boldly take on not only the the issue of defunding Murder Inc and prosecuting them for fraud but men and women who will boldly and effectively carry the battle for life forward until abortion like slavery becomes a bad memory !