REPOST Evangelical Climate Change Initiative

Given the latest surge of deceit I decided to re post an article from my old web site  in 2006 as a response to and a warning about the founding of the Evangelical Climate Initiative by a number of influential Evangelical Leaders

since then the evidence exposing  the fraud what is now called Climate Change is more convincing and and overwhelming and my writing has gotten a little better

 Evangelical Climate Initiative

Say it ain't so !

There is an old expression that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. While this saying is usually used to describe where you'll end up if you try to earn your way to heaven instead of asking God's forgiveness and accepting the gift of eternal life paid for by the blood of The Lord Jesus Christ. This expression is also quite applicable to a state of existence inflicted on the masses by  well meaning religious individuals and groups.  That is way I'm alarmed and concerned about the Evangelical Climate Initiative. This is really a statement of Action signed on to by at least 85 high profile leaders in the Evangelical Movement which encompasses millions of Christians here in the U.S.

The statement is a call to action to all christians. The enemy is Man Made Global Warming. These leaders state in their preamble that Man Made Global Warming is a well accepted scientific fact.  It is not ! They strengthen their appeal to christians by playing on christians best intentions, desires to be good stewards of what God has given them,  sense of responsibility to help the poor, and also a believer's potential for guilt. The implications of this statement are that you are some kind cold hearted and callous individual who will be contributing to the suffering, disease, and death of the poor by not joining them in their phony fight against global warming.

Even if what the brothers and sisters have been sold on was true, it seems to me that Christians should take action against it because everyone is going to hurt. Using the poor to play beat the sheep might be a useful  tool for visiting missionaries but it's never taking the high road especially when it involves using poor and suffering human beings as nothing more than a prop to manipulate your fellow christians.

        Editor's Note
3 new climate studies were publicized shortly after I wrote this article. All of them deal with defining the natural causes of Global Warming.

One study by University of Ottawa Professor Jan Veizer proposes that flutations in the Earth's temperature are caused by the effect of Cosmic Rays that penetrate the earths atmosphere as our solar system travels through space.

In Russia Vladimir Shaidurov of the Russian Academy of Sciences has theorized that Earth's Climate Changes during the last 140 years are related to the catastrophic asteroid hit that occurred in Siberia known as the Tunguska Event.

Scientists recently issued a press release about the fact that we are heading into an 11 year Solar cycle that may cause the our planet to warm.

In the midst of all of this pathological liar John Kerry guesting on the Don Imus show announced on March 17th that  New York and Boston will be underwater in the year by the year 2036 due to man made global warming if the U.S. doesn't reduce it's energy consumption. And just last week pathological liar and nut job,  Al Gore predicted that catastrophic events will occur if the 2011 if we don't change our ways. Since unforeseen catastrophic events have occurred throughout human history, and since reputable climatologists and meteorologists have warned us that we are heading into a 30 cycle of increased and intense Atlantic Hurricane activity (which is normal); all Tennessee two by four has to do is bide his time, something will happen and he will blame it on Global Warming !

Speaking of sheep did you know that these folks commissioned the Ellison Group, whoever they, to take a poll of evangelicals (they didn'd call me).

 Here are some of poll's conclusions :

70% of evangelicals believe that global warming will pose a serios threat to future generations

 63% believe that the long term probelm of global warming is being caused today

51 % said steps should be taken to reduce global warming, even at a high economic cost to the United States

So ..... that makes it real !

 At least the Evangelical Climate Initiative folks think it should convince you that Global Warmig is real.

Besides the fact that a poll is only as good as the people who designed and administered it,  poll questions can be and often are loaded to arrive at outcomes consistent with the desires of the people who are paying for the poll.

Using poll results to sway public opinion is a dirty trick often used by the Demorats. For brethren to use something like this to influence the opinions of other believers borders on the contemptible.

If someone commissions a poll that concludes that 63% of Evangelicals don't believe in hell or that the moon is really purple with green stripes, well ... I guess I've been wrong all these years !

This group of "Christian Leaders" obviously has little respect for the folks "out there in the pews" if they are willing to use cheap tricks and herd thinking in thier quest to win followers.
           What do you think ?

Dr Fred Singer, professor emetrius of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia has stated that there has been little or no warming since 1940.

In 1998 17,000 Scientists signed a petition that was circulated by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.

     The petition stated the following :

"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate."

I think the statement of these 17,000 scientists carries a bit more weight than the "supposed" opinions of "evangelicals" as tracked by some nebulous poll !
Reading Joe Farah's article on World Net Daily about the Evangelical Climate Initiative then visiting their Web Site got me praying about this issue. Later that day I went out to Trader Joe's my car radio was tuned to 770 WABC New York which I only listen to if I'm coming home from work late on the weekday's so I can hear the Mark Levin Show. I forget whose show was on that day but host was interviewing some very learned Climate Scientists who had just taken part in a study measuring Greenland's retreating Glaciers.
These scientists shared with the listening audience about how much and how fast Greenland's Glaciers are retreating, things looked pretty bad until the conversation was joined by another scientist from the University of Alabama (I think) who pointed out that in most of Greenland the temperature is actually getting colder and the ice pack is increasing. Funny how the two Global Warming promoters left those facts out isn't it ?  I was a little surprised when I heard one of them admit that the shrinking of the Greenland Glaciers was due to warming ocean temperatures not atmospheric temperatures.

What nobody wants to talk about let alone investigate is the effect of underwater volcanoes, geysers, and even oil seepage in the depths of our oceans on the climate of the earth.

Besides upsetting alot of people's pet theories and the Globalist Agenda, the Ocean depths are pretty much impossible to thoroughly research. We actually know more about the moon than we know about what goes on in the depths of our oceans.

Now doesn't that give you confidence in the integrity of the conclusions that these clowns are foisting on the world ?

Let's look at a few more facts
Judging from their facts sheet, preamble and other information listed on their web site it's obvious that the Evangelical Climate Initiative believes that Man Made Global Warming is already underway and that the poor will and most likely already are it's biggest victims.

However : the greatest killers of the poor in our time are the following :

The tsunami
(tidal waves have nothing to do with Man Made Global Warming, they are caused by underwater earthquakes)

Wicked rulers who murder and starve their own people
(Robert Mugabee call your office) (and you probably thought I was going to say Kim Jong Il ... extra Kudos for that to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton) (where's that action plan ?)

(caused by the effectiveness of Environmental Waco's convincing third world leaders to stop using DDT and other pesticides that were saving lives)

 (often the by product of war or poor agricultural practices)
I take no delight in writing that and firmly believe that we as Christians should do all that we can to help the poor and suffering. But to use them as a prop to manipulate others is flat out wrong !

And what about the rest of us, is man made Global Warming only important because the poor will be hurt. Won't everyone on the planet be hurt ?

More Facts !
The climate of the earth has always fluctuated.

Between 1200 and 1500 there was a period of Global Warming followed but few hundred years of Global Cooling.

Of the 2,500 or so people asked to participate in a 1996 meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, only 1,100 were scientists, "and they were never asked to approve a report of the meeting,"  Dr. Arthur Robinson, professor of chemistry at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine,

Dr Robinson also  told WorldNetDaily on Feb 2002, "There is absolutely not a shred of evidence that humans are causing any change in the climate by generating CO2."

While the IPCC is able to show a recent temperature rise by averaging data from surface thermometers, there is no corresponding rise when data is obtained from well-controlled weather stations where local heating urban effects are eliminated.
Data from more reliable weather satellites show no appreciable warming trend since 1979, nor does the data gathered from weather balloons.
Data from tree rings, ice cores and ocean sediments shows, after the modest 1.0 degree global warming of the last 140 years, present-day temperatures remain cooler by about 1.0 degree than they were when the Vikings settled Greenland in medieval times.
For more than 7,500 of the last 10,000 years, temperatures have been higher than today.
Prior to  1988  many scientists were saying that we were in a period of Global Cooling and thought that we needed to do something about it.

El Nino, the warm winds caused by a warming of the South Pacific were first noted in the 1500s, that's when European explorers entered that part of the world..

    According to the July 2001 Consumers' Research article "Global Warming Science: Fact vs. Fiction," written by Mark LaRochelle and Peter Spencer, the media have it all wrong. The news media have leaped to erroneous conclusions from a summary of a yet-to-be-released 3,000-page report. A follow-up study on global warming was released June 2001 by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Science.
MIT Professor Richard Lindzen, one of the NRC panelists and lead author of the IPCC report says: "Our primary conclusion was that despite some knowledge and some agreement, the science is by no means settled. We are quite confident (1) that global mean temperature is about 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than a century ago; (2) that atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide have risen over the past two centuries; and (3) that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas whose increase is likely to warm the Earth. But – and I cannot stress this enough – we are not in a position to confidently attribute past climate change to carbon dioxide or to forecast what the climate will be in the future." Adding, "That is to say, contrary to media impressions, agreement with the three basic statements tells us almost nothing relevant to policy discussions."
Last May and December were exceptionally cold here in Delaware
Earlier this year Europe experienced severe cold, Here are a few examples :

Dec. 30, 2005
from Meteo Swiss, temperature of 33 degrees below zero Fahrenheit at La Brevine
BUDAPEST, Hungary - Heavy snow and icy winds,
 temperature near temperatures near 40 degrees below zero Faranheit across Europe. Air and train travel delayed, driving dangerous
Italy :
In Rome - 2 homeless people dead from the cold
In Florence - 10inches of snow the most in 21 years,
temperatures in northern Italy - minus 20 degrees Faranheit
Naples - a state of emergency declared
Southern Poland : main highway inacessible due to heavy snows Krakow airport experiencing delays effected by the weather in the rest of Europe
Slovakia, 40 to 60 cars involved in chain reaction accident, main road to Bratislava closed Police report 3 people killed and 20 hurt in highway accidents
4 foot high snow drifts in central and northern Slovakia, army called in to help clear the roads

 severe weather warning for southern regions of Namur and Liege, conditions very dangerous
Germany coldest overnight temperature 38 degress below zero Faranheit at Funtensee Lake in southern Germany

snow followed by freezing rain, dangerous driving conditions dozens of accidents around Tours
Mouthe in eastern France low of minus 15 degrees, highways closed

 Son of a gun, I don't recall our news media making much of a story out of that, do you ?  

 January 2002, the journal Science published the findings of scientists who had been measuring the vast West Antarctic ice sheet. The researchers found that the ice sheet is growing thicker, not melting
In 1997, a survey of over 400 German, American and Canadian climate researchers, conducted by the Meteorologisches Institut der Universitat Hamburg and the GKSS Forschungszentrum, found that 67 percent of those surveyed either disagreed or were uncertain about the proposition that global warming will occur so quickly that lack of preparation could devastate certain parts of the world.
   January 2005
Vladimir Putin's personal economic adviser, Andrei Illarionov
 said global warming advocates refused to answer questions posed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change at a Moscow symposium. He claimed British science advisers tried to stop skeptics from being heard.
All methods of distorting information existing in the world have been committed to prove the validity of these theories," he continued. "Misinformation, falsification, fabrication, mythology, propaganda. Because what is offered cannot be qualified in any other way than myth, nonsense and absurdity
Illarionov's comments, made in a press conference, were quoted by the Moscow News but received little international attention.
He described the protocol as "one of the biggest, if not the biggest, international adventures based on man-hating totalitarian ideology, which, incidentally, manifests itself in totalitarian actions and concrete events, particularly academic discussions, and which tries to defend itself using disinformation and falsified facts. It's hard to think of any other word but 'war' to describe this."

    More from January 2005
Under the Kyoto Protocol, undeveloped Third-World nations – including China, India, Brazil and Mexico – will be free to produce whatever they want. Yet 82 percent of the projected emissions growth in future years will come from these countries. This is why many critics see is global wealth redistribution scheme rather than a real plan to improve the environment.
"The wealth of the United States is, and has always been, the target," says Tom DeWeese, president of the American Policy Center. "The new scheme to grab the loot is through environmental scare tactics."
 U.S. scientists based at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station announced that, finally, they have been able to measure the temperature of the atmosphere 18 to 68 miles over the pole. They found it to be 68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit colder than those computer models used to predict global warming showed.
Climate (as opposed to weather) refers to average weather conditions over several decades or a longer period of time. And the consequences of such change vary. If the climate changes in one area, that area may cease to be good for some activities, but benefit others. Grapes grew in Greenland not so long ago. In eons past, Antarctica was balmy. Although thermometer records go back only four centuries, estimates from other records and geological evidence suggest that temperatures may have gone up and down by as much as 13 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 1,500 years.
Five-thousand years ago, global temperatures were several degrees warmer than today.

When it comes to the history of the earth's climate there is more we don't know that what we do know.

The atmosphere warms during the summer and cools during the winter. Everyone understands that. The problem is to understand why the atmosphere changes from year to year and if there are any trends. In this last century, we had a warming trend before 1940, a cooling trend between 1940 and 1975, a warming trend between 1975 and 1980, and essentially no trend for the last 20 years
the sun has an 11-year cycle and you can clearly see this in some of the temperature records.
Agriculture benefits from a warmer climate. So warming is generally beneficial for the economy and for forests. The reason forests benefit is because more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere means the trees will grow faster
Thermometers taking temperature readings on the surface do show a warming in the last 20 years. But the satellite record measuring the atmosphere on a worldwide basis does not show a warming. Something is wrong here.
California, which has a lot of weather stations. We find that the weather stations that are located in heavily populated areas do show a warming trend in the last 100 years. The weather stations that are located in counties that have few people do not show a warming. So, clearly, the warming we see is artificial. It is local and it is induced by the fact that cities are growing and therefore the areas around the weather stations are becoming warmer.
The El Nino / La Nina oscillation has a profound effect on the weather. This has nothing to do with human influences, of course. These are natural oscillations that take place but we cannot predict them.
We have only been measuring ozone, in a real way, for about 40 years. So our record of ozone is very, very brief. We do know, however, that ozone depends very strongly on the solar cycle. For example, like right now when the sun is very strong and when we get a lot of activity from the sun, this increases the amount of ozone in the stratosphere. There is a very strong 11-year cycle.
Then there is a very strong yearly cycle. It has a maximum in the spring and then it decays and then it comes back again. These variations are in the order of 50 percent. That's quite large. The depletion of ozone due to human activities -- due to freons, CFCs, cloroflorocarbons -- that has been quite small. The amount that has been measured and published by the U.N. report is about four percent. Four percent is not a great deal when you get an annual variation of 50 percent and you get day to day variations in the order of 50 to 100 percent.
The interesting question is, what has ozone done in the past? We don't have good information on that. We do know something about the sun-spot cycle going back approximately 300 to 400 years. And, from that, we can kind of figure out what ozone might have been. There was a period -- about 1700 -- when ozone was probably quite low because the sunspots suddenly disappeared.

Myron Ebell, a climate expert at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, reports that, before the industrial revolution, the atmosphere contained 270 PPM. Today, the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is about 380 PPM.
There is a debate among scientists over how much carbon dioxide in our atmosphere would be too much. However, if the level of carbon dioxide rose to the high end in the current climate models, around 800 PPM, there is consensus on this one thing: There will be more plant growth and an overall greening of the planet.
Ebell is also the chairman of the Cooler Heads Coalition – a group dedicated to separating fact from fiction in the global-warming debate. He said that, during the Clinton-Gore administration, more than a dozen government scientists privately contacted him and expressed support for his work. However, when he asked them to join, they told him that they had been told bluntly that it would be unhealthy for their careers to be associated with any person or group that was skeptical of this theory.

As noted previously, the first  IPCC  really pushed the Global Warming argument forward . Anyway the study was finished ahead of time due to pressure from Sir Wilhelm Clinton the Trustworthy and his flunkies ... oops I mean administration.

The scientits who actually conducted this study concluded that there was not enough evidence to conclude that global warming was taking place. The summary of this study however was completed by political hacks who shared the Globalist Agenda of the Clintons, the U. N. and many others. Agenda driven scientists who also stood to profit from the research dollars that they would recieve due to their favorable position also took part in this summary.

These really are dangerous times in which we live and not just because of the Isalmomiacs who live for our destruction. There are very wealthy and powerful people on this earth who are hell bent on Global Governance and our Country is the main obstacle in their way.

Super Wealthy and powerful individuals like Maurice Strong of Canada, George Soros, and David Rockefeller just to name a few have been doing everything they can to bring about a one world economy, government, and religion. These elitists are of various stripes from the Social Utopians who believe they are the anointed who will take care of us and protect us from our own selves, and usher in a world of social equality while banishing poverty and war, To the completely amoral meglomaniacs drunk on the quest for power, to the greedy pragmatists these people are no joke.

Unable to just grab power by force at the present time they work behind the scenes at the U. N., Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, and numerous shadow groups. Also active in this global endeavor are most of the big named charitable trusts and foundations like the Ford Foundation, The Rockefellor Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trust (Rick Warren, call your office !), the Theresa Hienz (sometimes Kerry) funded Tides  Foundation and many others. All of them believe the days of the "Nation State" are over, hold the world view of Secular Humanism, and are convinced that there is a need for Global Governance.

And as I stated before, all of the main players and even their first level subordinates stand to gain an insane amount of wealth and power if there desires are ever realized.

The leftwing lapdogs who make up our "mainstream news media" have been especially helpful in promoting the goals of the globalists. So are the halfwit socialists in academia and a large chunk of the Demoratic Party as well as the Rockefeller Wing of the Republican Party !

You really should go to the UN's website and read up on the Sovereignty Stripping Treaties they have attempted to have our nation sign on to. President Bush has rejected them, thank God he did. Clinton of course tried to ram all of them down our throats.

The Kyoto Treaty for example demands that the United States cut it's energy consumption to early 1990 levels. India and China which have about 3 billion people between them (we have about 300 million), whose economies are growing by leaps and bounds have no such restrictions. This treaty would ultimately bring ruination to our economy.

When you get right down to brass tacks it's all about power for example under the U.N.s Agenda 21 which the Clinton Administration was all to happy to facilitate (it was hamstrung by President Bush, thank God !) Under this Globalist power grab areas of our country were designated as U.N. World Heritage sights. Even tracts of land  east of the Mississippi were being designated as U.N. World Hertigate Areas or  Wilderness Areas which were to be connected by Wilderness corridors. These areas were to be put under the authority of the U.N. . Nuisances like people who lived in those areas were to be relocated to "High Population Density Areas". Also planned were World Heritage Waterways. Local Governments and even the States and the Feds would be forced to abdicate their authority and the U.N. would  basically rule these areas.  It sounds like some futuristic sci-fi movie but it really happend.

The elitists behind the U.N. have no respect for your private property and even less respect for you. Things like our right to own property and freedom stand in direct opposition to the Globalist's Plans for what they call Sustainable Development and a healthy Biosphere.

Remember Clinton signed on to all this, it didn't reach the conclusion planned for by the Globalists and Clinton or his gia worshiping Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbit.

 If Gore had been successful in his attempt to steal the election, he would have done everything in his power to move it all forward. No wonder these people and their sychophants hate Bush and are constantly out to destory him. And sad to say these "Evangelical Leaders' are playing right into the hands of these Elitist's with their Climate Initiative !

I'm saying all this to make a point, this man made Global Warming thing is all about power. For amoral politicians and pathological liars like Algore (besides his pagan religious leanings and outright lunacy) it's about pushing an issue to obtain and maintain political power and while pleasing his globalist puppet masters. To the globalists it's about a one world economy and government a sort of brave new world where the U.N. or some other instution of what they like to call Global Governance controls most of the aspects of your life including where you live and what your are allowed to teach your children. Read the U.N. treatry on the rights of the child if you don't believe me. It's accessible.

There is no easier and better way to get control of a nation and a people than to sell them on the reality of a particular crisis that can only be solved if the people are willing to give up areas of their rights and freedoms. That's basically what this Global Warming scam is all about.

Also human nature being what it is, there are many nations and people who despise America soley because were have been Blessed by God with prosperity. These people would love to see America brought down.

Those bent on Global Control have a whole army of useful idiots in our press who share their ideals. And not just the press, don't forget Hollywood and it's minions of pompous America hating snot noses or the leftist dominated field of so called "Higher Education".  It's gotten to the point where you need to send your child to school to learn how to handle the propaganda assaults by the leftwing sychophants who infest college campuses. But that's another story for another time.

If that wasn't enough there is also  strong loud minority of left wing lunatics, commies, environmental wacos, and moronic haters of their own country who are willing to raise the roof over man made Global Warming when they are not busy working to submarine us in the war on terror.

These Evangelical Climate Initiative Signers and Facilitators while not being an arm of the U. N. or the globalists, most of them anyway, have bought into this fraud hook line and sinker.

If they succeed in convincing the large evangelical communtiy that Man- Made Global Warming is Real our nation and world are in big trouble. Why ? Well if millions of evangelicals get sold on this lie and start lobbying their congressmen and senators to support it's goals our days as a sovereign nation are numbered. There is a very real possibility that our leaders will adopt some globalist inspired solutions that will reek havock on our economy and weaken us as a nation, rob our freedom anb put us under the oppressive thumb of the globalists and their stooges. That is the real danger and my greatest concern.

Already many buisness leaders, politicians and obviously some religious leaders have caved in under the tremendous propaganda assault, media pressure and peer pressure carried forward by Global Warming's Promoters.

Also never forget, there are many people and a few nations in this world who despise us because God has Blessed us with such  awesome prosperity. They'd be overjoyed if our nation crashed economically or was weakened.

Then there are the more pragmatic among the nations and people who stand to be greatly enriched if our nation through treaty puts itself at a competitive advantage. It's also very sad that there are some American Companies who would love to see this happen. They've no doubt made plans to move their operations overseas before the ink drys on the Kyoto Treaty. They're already positioned to make a killing.

Faith 2 Action has an excellent article about this "Christian Climate Initiative" and where they are getting funding from.
The two organizations listed are the American soveriegnty hating, global government promoting and pro abortion funding (among other things) Rockefeller Brother's Fund and the Hewlett Foundation.
Couple that with the Rick Warren interview with the Philadelphia Inquier. In the interview Rick he equated Christian fundamentalists and Jewish fundamentalists with islaomomaniac fundamentalists. Then after mischaracterising the Christian and Jewsish fundementalists, he called fundamentalism one of the greatest threats of the 21st Century. Not radical Islam or the Chinese Military Buildup. I'm very concerned.
Especially given that Rick recently was a welcomed guest and interviewee at a PEW Foundation confab. I'm guessing that his intentions are good. However when you add his remarks about his fellow Christians together with who he was hanging out with and the number of Church Leaders joining him in this Evangelical Trojan Horse Climate Initiative it's a huge concern.

I drew on articles by Jane Chastien, Gordon Prather, George Metcalf, Joseph Farah, and Art Moore and others at World Net Dailey for this article and quite alot of reading and research of various sources over the years. Also much prayer.

Posted  by Ryhmerock's Delaware


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