Bowing out of the Climate Change Agreement

Based on lies, the Climate Change conjob is nothing but a vehicle for the globalist power mongers to gain more control over the lives of human beings in nations with some form of representative government, stripping them of their wealth and redistributing a small percentage of it after pouring the lions share of it into their pet internationalist bureaucracies,  further eroding national sovereignty as they push for global government and an astronomical increase in their own personal wealth.

Fluctuations in the earh's climate are normal within certain norms and happen without any assistance from the activities of mankind. In the past 1,100 years the earth has experienced shifts in climate that today would be considered catastrophic .... they weren't.  During the medieval warming period which lasted about 400 years the earth's temperature warmed up more than it did during the last mini warming period which ended around the year 2,000. It was a boom period for man. The Vikings were able to settle greenland and raise cattle there, growing seasons were longer, civilization prospered. This climatic period was followed by a brutal period known as The Little Ice Age.

Three factors effecting our Climate that have recently  been or are being studied are Solar Cycles (yes Solar actinity fluctuates too). The effect of Cosmic Raybombardment  which also fluctuate on earth's atmosphere and the effect of underwater volcanism and geyser activity on ocean temperature which in turn effects earh's temperature.
There is a lot to learn but one thing for sure, the puny activities of man don't drive earth's temperature.
Funny that the planet Mars has been warming for 10 years without human beings and their SUVs.

I'm happy that President Trump nixed our participation in the latest globalist power grab but I'm troubled that his reasoning gave the climate change hustle legitimacy. He should have told them flat out that the United States isn't going to participate their power mongering lie.


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