NFL notes and comments

Disgusting useful idiots easily  manipulated because of their ignorance and bigotry to disrespect our nation in protest over a non-issue.  Tactics of Revolution 101 carried out with great success by the Democrat Party, the sophist news media, a host of America Hating revolutionary organizations with a big assist from from the politically correct coward NFL. Hope they enjoy going broke, they've earned it
They have every right to be useful idiot tools and maladjusted bigots.  Let them carry out their phony protests and unwittingly (for most of them) attempt to push foward the agenda of the degenetate left on their own time and on their own dime. And let these turkeys dare not to disrespect this nation and the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to preserve and defend it !
Ironically the ancestors of most of us were not slave owners. Many if not most of our (white ancestors) ancestors came here fleeing oppression, starvation and other hardship. They came over here struggled worked hard and prospered leaving us a wonderful legacy
If he so strongly believes what he said why didn't he and others who supposedly hold that position stand up like men , bodly go out on the field  and stand for the star spangled banner ? If he really believes that he and others who went were along with their useful idiot and maladjusted bigot teamates need to make a public apology ! Either way as long as the NFL allows any of it's players to take a knee they are history as far as I'm concerned.
Beckham like some of his NFL contemporaries is a vile and ignorant man.  His disgusting low class actions and lack of basic civility should get him expelled from the league but it will never happen in this age of politically correct cowardice mixed with greed. So NFL owners will continue to exercise their glaring lack of charactet and spine,  useful idiots and maladjusted bigots will contine to act as tools of the America hating left while continuing  to disrespect our nation and those who have served, uncouth and uncivilized individuals will continue to beave badly while being paid insane amounts of money until and unless the fans stop buying NFL memorobilia and boycott NFL games
Obviously you don't.  The dimwits , maladjusted bigots and activists who participate in these protests are mere useful idiots and tools for the radical left hyping phony issues , blowing real injustice out of proportion to stir up strife  and covering for their own inadequacies and sense of inferiority by acting as puppetts for various extremist sunversive organizations like Black lives matters and other vile leftists. In short they are a pack of puppets and morons. But besides that their legally binding contracts with the NFL require them to respectfully stand during the national anthem. In short they have every right to act like asses , disrepect our nation and behave as pawns on their own time but not on the job
Most of our ancestors fled oppression,  starvation, political intrigue and poverty,  immigrated legally to this country and slowly worked their way up by their own labor and ingenuity. Most of our ancestors never owned slaves but even if they did it wasn't us, we didn't participate in it there is no collective culpability for slavery.  And there is no collective culpability for white Americans for the disaster resulting from the lifestyles, bad choices, and destructive behavior of some blacks. If there is any culpability at all it lies with white democrats, limosine liberals and globalists who provided the black community with the means to destroy itself as well as with the poverty pimps and race hustlers within their own community
Good for them ! If there was one near me I'd stop by at game time for a good meal. Contrary to Colon Kapernick's spew the streets of America are not littered with black bodies shot by police but you could make the point that there are alot of dead black bodies that have fallen in the streets of Chicago care of other blacks. Poverty and high crime prevail in many black neighborhoods due to the behavior of their inhabitants while democrat politicians and race hustlers keep pushing the government policies and victim mentality that contributed to them. So America hating subversives like Crapernick, bigoted morons like micharl Bennett's and other useful idipts and patsies take a knee as they are used ad pawns in pushing a false narrative to advance the agenda of the left.  Not only are thier actions disgusting and disrespectful to our nation and those eho served, they've ignorant and stupid. SI should start acting like real journalists
This year the NFL has showed it's true colors and they're not red, white, and blue. It doesn't matter if the collection of useful idiot leftist tools blinded by their own maladjusted bigotry and gross ignorance and their coward idiot fellow players acting in solidarity with them take a break from attempting to spit on the People of the United States or not. I won't spend a penny supporting their racism or the anti-American agenda of those who are pulling their strings. I'm done with them and the greed mongering spineless owners, sports commentators, sponsors and anyone who has anyhing to do with their vile house. I'm done with the NFL !
It's over, the NFL has shown it's true colors and they're not red, white, and blue.  Their decision to clamp down on the useful idiot tools, ignorant maladjusted racists, cowards and lows information twits has everything to do with greed and cowardice but nothing to do with integrity,  truth and respect for our country. The NFL owners for the most part would have been more than happy to keep letting the nitwits on their payroll continue to spit on our nation and those who serve and have served it as long as the money kept rolling in. It didn't matter to them that their imbecile player's stupidity and bigotry made them easy  tools used in an attempt  to further the agenda of thr America hating subversive degenerate left. Rather than having the intelligence,  decerncy and patriotism to stand up against the pernicious lies of Black Lives Matter they took what they thought was the easy road and cowtowed to a pack of malcontents.
So now the curtain has been drawn back the show is over , the true character of the NFL, those who play in it and those who own teams has been exposed. Even the NFL players union donations to radical leftist organizations has come to light. I refuse to spend my hard earned dollars supporting this pack of weasels and theit employers. The NFL is history as far as I'm concerned!


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