Oklahoma Schools install tornado and active shooter bullet proof shelters

Sad that our culture has degenerated to the point that it has come to this. As the amoral left has achieved more and more success in its quest to eradicate the moral underpinnings of our culture and the knowledge of God and His laws from our schools and nation things have followed their logical course. The fact that these shelters and the need for an armed staff are now a necessity is an object lesson highlighting some of the societal rot that had been spreading like a slow developing cancer across the soul of our nation for the last 50 years. You can keep putting bandaids on our country's self inflicted wounds but until we as a nation repent and return to God these actions will be an exercise in futility.

Our problem is the increase of evil in our society thanks to the successful implementation of the agenda of the amoral subversive  degenerate left  not the existence of an inanimate object.


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