NFL 2018 preseason begins
With their kneeling protests, refusal to salute our flag not only do the actions of these numbskulls spit on the sacrafice of the men and women who sacrificed their lives for the freedom enjoyed by these overpaid ignoramus man-children they also promote the false narrative crafted by America hating subversive organization that seek to paint our nation as a racist land where human beings with more melatonin in their skin than I have are deliberately kept down by society, persecuted and murdered by police and deprived of the pursuit of the American dream. To support the NFL is to give creedance to these lies and financial support to various subversive organizations and vermin who crafted them for the purpose of destroying our country ! I've had with this pack of useful idiots , maladjusted bigoted numbskulls, and Nimrods.
I'm still done with the NFL