Why the Shootings ?
Why the shootings ?
Our country has been on a gradual slide downward for decades. As the forces of evil were successful in pushing forward their war against God many aspects of life in our nation have degenerated.
For example Lyndon Baines Johnson whose Great Society Program was so successful in breaking up the black family and hooking many in the minority community on government dependency as a congressman in the 1940's was successful in pushing forward the IRS regulation that strips tax exemptions from churches if they promote a candidate or exercise their rights to free speech. Sadly rather than fighting and defyling this evil the church acquiesced and it's important voice was silenced.
The vile and rogue Supreme Court banned school prayer , bible reading and the teaching of or referral to God and his principles. I'm old enough to remember when the most common behavior problem schools faces were things like talking in class. Now if you read a high school handbook you are instructed that things like weapons, drugs and sexual molestation are prohibbited.
During the 40's a sexual degenerate named Kinsey published his famous and skewed report on human sexuality that was widely accepted as truth. The false and weak world view from the pit of hell otherwise known as evolution was taught as fact teaching the vulnerable that we are nothing more than highly developed animals. As such there is no Creator from whom our rights and responsibilities are given.
At the same time over 60 million children have been murdered in the womb in the name of freedom and a woman's right to choose. This evil is fought for and promoted with extreme fevor and virulent fielty.
At the same time our mass media, music and entertainment industry has grown more crude and obscene.
So as much of society and our popular culture slides deeper and deeper into moral depravity and emptines is it any surprise that these evil mass shootings are taking place along with every form of insane degeneracy and moral vacuousness.Look for the most part these mass murderes are either islamists or deranged godless leftists or anarchists and most shootings if not all take place in gun free zones where the shooters know there is no risk of anyone stopping them.
So the problem isn't guns in the hands of law abiding citizens and NRA members. The probem is moral depravity, evil and mental illness in society.
Those who hate this country and seek to destroy it are callously attempting to take advantage of this situation to further their evil agenda to ultimately disarm and subjugate us. Some of them may actually be happy that these shooting are occurring.
The primary reason our founders created the second ammendment was to insure that no tyrant within or without would ever be able to subjugate us. They had first hand knowlege of living under tyranny. To paraphrase George Washington, the American People must retain suffient weaponry to ward off any tyrant.
Again those who seek our ultimate destruction and subjugation seek to disarm us.