Comments with content and grammar correction when Fox News suspended Judge Pirro

Judge Pirro's comments were accurate and correct. How sad that your network has acted the part of a dupe and a coward. Then again isn't one of your largest share holders a Saudi Prince. Cowards the anti Americanism of Ilhan Omar (or whatever her name really is ) and most of other democrats has been virulent and  obvious for years.  Are Rupert Murdoch's kids so chicken hearted or are they just moderate weaklings, maybe social liberals or callous profit seekers lacking the integrity to not only care about the truth or even see it?  .  And islam , true islam has not changed from the day of the murderous degenerate mohammed to isis. It's history is rife with murder, rape, pillage, mutilation, slavery, sorrow, suffering and ignorance through the centuries. Only diffrrence is now in our country a stealth jihad is being waged. The brother marrying immigration law breaking anti- Semite ohmar or what ever her name is, is only part of it. Not the most clever or stealth jihadi but definately part of it


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