What should we call ii ? Crying racist again

The morally challenged snakes aka The White House Press Corp have proved once again that they will twist any sentence, spin any paragraph, lie distort, falsely accuse and distort the words of our President and his team who are have done such excellent work dealing with the Corona Virus.

Ignoring what has been explained to them over and over again, distorting reports and figures, making arrogant and false accusations and now making false reports pushing sensationalism, fear and mistrust they are lower than low.

But anyway what I'm talking about here is how they've got their panties in a bunch over the President accurately referring to COVID  as the Chinese Flu.

The vile and evil Communist Chinese under the leadership of Xi Jingping have been engaged in obscene and monstrous oppression and  abuse of their own people. Persecuting Christians, committing inhuman acts against the Ugher muslims.  Selling organs taken from political prisoners, keeping their people under constant electronic surveillance and manically seeking to weed out and stamp out all thought contrary to Xi's  megalomaniacal  insanity.

Power mad psychopaths such as the Red Chinese leaders are hell bent on making China the World's Superpower and have been engaging in every dishonest and thuggish means to do so.

As such they have built a germ warfare facility in the city of Wuhan. They have been specifically working on a weaponized form of Corona Virus. Apparently there are a few maggots from over here who have assisted them. Mainly a few morally challenged college professors and administrators. But anyway the Red Chinese were working this virus at Wuhan and in my opinion somehow the virus escaped from the lab. If you really thing this and SARS somehow started in a disgusting food market I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. And why hasn't some virulent Corona Virus been generated at one of these markets and crossed over to human beings before ? These markets have after all been in existence for centuries.

Rather than immediately moving to contain it and protect their own people Communist Party officials covered it up, destroyed medical and research records and oppressed and silenced anyone who tried to send out a warning. It was through their callous negligence and deceit that the virus spread, first to their own people and then to the rest of the world.

Their behavior was beneath contempt and an outward action of their evil degenerate psychopathy.

Our President was right on the money by referring to it as The Chinese Virus. Not only should they own, they should pay a severe price for it.

Some of the other names floating around (not the President of his staff's) are The Kung Flu or The Wuhan Flu.

Since innocent Americans of Chinese Ancestry have been catching flack from a few ignoramuses and considering the source of this plague I believe it would be more accurately labeled The Commie Croup !     


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