Biden's attacks on President Trump's handling of the Chinese Commie Created Wu Flu
If President Trump had listened to Dimwit Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and their fellow sociopaths there would be alot more tan 200,000 people dead. The President's quick and decisive action banning travel from China and Europe saved most likely millions. His gathering together scientists and various government agencies with the private sector, putting together a task force of scientists and government officials to deal with Covid ,his leadership in the production of ventilators, PPE, research and treatment as well as the production of a vaccine are unparalleled in the history of our country. And his ability and willingness to assist and work with even the most contemptible and despicable sociopaths like Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsome (his enemies) is stunning !
On the issue like everything else he has touched Biden's solution would have turned into a disaster for our country and caused untold suffering and death. Joe would have prioritized bowing at the altar of political correctness and would never dare to offend China or anyone else by banning travel to the U.S. or warning people not to frequent Chinatown in our big cities. The whims and policies of our big city mayors, democrat governors and the degenerate democommies in the senate and congress would have been pulling Joe's strings. Based on his history it's dreadful to thing what any Biden strategy would be if and when he every got around to doing anything.