My take on the Chauvin trial - email to a talk show host
So should the police ask an out of control drug blitzed or violent criminals if they will submit to an EKG before they use strong physical restraint on them, how about a voluntary psychological work up?
News flash
the real determining factor in George Floyd's death besides his drugging
himself up and his weak heart is the fact that he chose to engage in criminal
behavior by passing a counterfeit bill which frankly rips us all off.
There is also some dispute whether or not the technique that officer
Chauvin used was a part of his training and the traing for all officers.
prosecution witness under cross examination admitted (reluctantly
no doubt) that Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd's shoulders as well as
his neck as other camera angles showed.
Floyd's long sustained freak out while resisting arrest was like an instant replay of a previous encounter he had with police. That long freakout and highly drugged up state combined with a heart weakened by years of drug abuse caused his death not the techniques used by the police.
It's very
concerning not just concerning but disgusting to see in the cowardice and
deceit being put forth by the police department officials and their paid expert
witnesses. You should also consider the pernicious little racist woman beater
and leftist who currently infests the office of attorney general of the state
of Minnesota. If you don’t think that he has an agenda that has nothing to do
with justice and everything to do with using race hustling and the ignorance of
the useful idiots and bigots to pushing forward the agenda of those who are
hellbent on destroying our country I have a bridge I’d like to sell you …. I’ll
even throw in a mountain on the side
The strategy
for communist takeover that begins by rubbing old wounds raw and stirring
bottom-up revolution (Barak Obama call your comrades) is being played before
your eyes in the leftist controlled useful idiot dominated city of Minneapolis
and other degenerate democrat sociopath controlled localities.