Democrats can't understand why

 Democrat strategists are beside themselves since all of their targeted people groups did not buy into their message. And rather than entertaining the idea that their policies are the problem or that their agenda has caused suffering for the average American citizen as well as weakened our nation they blame us for not buying into their illusion and strain their minds over finding ways to fool us the next time.

The subversive sophist media hacks blame the we the great unwashed for not knowing what's best for ourselves as they accuse us of misogyny, racism, xenophobia, selfishness and stupidity. 

The Democrat Party sociopaths are turning against themselves. Some blame Obama and his lackies as well as Pelosi for upending Joe Biden and appointing Kamala Harris rather than running some kind of mini primary or convention selection process. The Democrat middle (less extreme and more pragmatic leftist sociopaths and degenerates) blame the ultra, ultra communist extreme lunatics for scaring off voters. People within the party are even blaming George Clooney for turning on Biden.

They just can't accept that more and more Americans have clearly discerned what they're up to and have vehemently rejected the destruction of our economy, the destruction of our sovereignty with the invasion of our country by illegal alien criminals (everyone illegally crossing our border is a criminal) the child sex slavery, rapes, murders, fentanyl overdoses, theft, pet stealing and beatings, terrorism and job the stealing. Then there is the agenda of the elitists (of both parties) to destroy our culture. They just can't accept billions of dollars going to Ukraine (one of Biden's money launderers and personal graft machines. The weakening of our military and the pushing of degeneracy in all branches of the military service. They can't stand the vile Democrats attack on the family, using the privilege and power through their decrepit degenerate lackeys in the public school system to brainwash our precious children and mutilate their souls as well as their bodies by turning them into so called transexuals and pushing every kind of perversion as well as anti-Americanism on our kids. Many have awoken the see what a fraud and hustle the Climate Change agenda. It's one of the megalomaniac globalists and their lackeys to con people into giving up their freedoms in the name of saving the planet. They reject being forced to dump their cars and by electric vehicles, Biden, Harris, and their fellow sociopaths sabotaging our energy industry, destroying jobs and wounding our economy.

Looks like those who are hell bent on destroying our country from its moral foundation, prosperity and freedom in their quest to turn us into a socialist utopian hellhole and globalist vassal state will have to wait a while. Hopefully their day will never come.


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