Obama steps toward Tyranny by backdoor gun control

The Manchurian President has moved his evil agenda one step further by issuing an executive order banning the sale of ammunition for the AR-15. It's one more  step in this hater of all things American ' s quest for absolute power just like other tyrants who have gone before him.

Over the past couple of years Commie Slim and his cadre of fellow subversives who have infested our government have bought up billions of rounds of ammunition and militarized not only many local police forces but numerous non-military supposedly benign (actually no agency of the federal government is benign, the most you can hope for is to neuter it and tie down fast by means of the Constitution) anyway B.O. and his fellow communists have armed Federal Departments such as the National Education Associate as well as local police forces  with high tech military weaponry, armored vehicles and the like.

When this wolf in sheep's clothing was beginning his run for the presidency he talked of the need for a national police force with power equivalent to our military which sent off alarm bells in the minds of every true conservative but went over the head of all of the morons including some republicans who voted for him.

So why would any American citizen vote for this pernicious subversive ? Here a a few reasons :

1. because he is the same race as they are  (at least half-way anyway), 

2. they receive all of their information from the sophist main stream news media and have had their perceptions molded by the American Public Education System, degenerate entertainment industry and amoral American Pop Culture,   

3.  they are  America hating leftists  environmentalist loons, or wanton degenerates 

4 They are  what Rush Limbaugh refers to as  low information voters like the young hipsters devotees of pop culture who receive their news updates from the  likes of Jon Stewart, 

5. they dimwit female or sissified  viewers of television shows like "The View" and Orca ... I mean Oprah Winfrey, 

6. culturally manipulated, misedjucated, guilt ridden  white people who thought putting a Black Man in the White House  was the most important issue confronting our nation, and would prove to the world as well as those poor victimized American Blacks that our nation had finally moved beyond racism and unfairness 

7 they are some other iteration or variation of careless, misinformed, badly educated and propagandized human being

What's even more frightening are the attitudes of some of leaders in law enforcement,  police chiefs (but not many of them)  and other bureaucrats. Their contempt  toward their fellow citizens whom they are supposed to serve,  disdain for the Constitution which they are supposed to obey is an affront to everything our country was founded to be and an attack on the personal sovereignty and freedom from tyranny that our founders fought to establish.  

Our country is facing perilous times and the biggest danger it faces is not ICIS or any other external threat.   



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