Hitlary's latest

 Whether spewing deceit like the following. :

Senate Republicans just pushed through a Supreme Court justice who will help them take away Americans' health care in the middle of a pandemic." ; falsely accussing President Trump of beig a Russian tool, when she and her psychopath husband sold leases for 20 % of our uranium reserves to Russia while recieving 145 million from the same for their Clinton Foundation shell game this morally bankrupt woman is devoid of any semblance of decency or capacity to experience shame

In a sane and just society this vile traitor, theif, subversive, degenerate sociopath would at the very least all ready be serving life in prison with no parole. Same with her psychopath husband. Still amazed at her hubris but I shouldn't be people lacking a conscience have no limits on the boldness of their deceit. Despicable ! 


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