Using Political Office as a Stepping Stone in a Small State a little History - repost
Attorney General's Office is too important to be a Stepping Stone
You'd think that years of working to raise taxes, strip our constitutional rights, weaken National Soveriegnty and futher the amoral designs ot the Demcratic Party power structure on issues to obliterate the very existance of basic morals and decency as well as destroying parental rights, would be enough mischief for any liberal.
Not so for MBNA's own Joe Biden ! I guess that too much of the desconstruction of our great nation and it's traditional culture has been left undone for Comrade Biden's liking. Or maybe like so many other polititians before him, it's not even about the agenda anymore, it's all about Joe and the "Biden Legacy" Whatever the case, Comrade Joe has decided to use the Biden Name (which would be poison in a populace of minimally intelligent voters) and no doubt some of the Biden war chest , and lot's of the Biden influence to launch the poltical career of his son Beau or should I say his son Beau Jest ?
Beau and Joe have set their sites on the Attorney Generals office in the State of Delaware. The fact that Beau has only been a memeber of the Delaware Bar for four years and never prosecuted a criminal case in Delaware hasn't detered the Biden Clan and their flunkies in the Delaware Democratic Party Politbureau from attempting to install "Hot Air the Sequel" in the second most powerful position in my home state ! They even recently had Herman the Hustler Holloway Jr calling local radio talk shows as a concerned citizen ! And, now political hack and master of looking the other way, Louis Freeh, head of the FBI during the profligage Clinton Administration is shilling for Beau.
Biden defenders like to point out that Beau was formerly a federal prosecutor but so far there is only evidence (please excuse the pun) of him prosecuting 3 cases. By the way there is not one capital murder case to be found in that hefty case file !
And I'd like to know how someone of Biden's superior intellect (he failed the Delaware Bar Exam 3 times) earned a position in the Justice Department since the best and the brightest from all over the nation would have served as his competition for that position. Then again, maybe it was a common practice during the most corrupt administration in American History to set aside a few "make work jobs" with fancy titles at the Department of Justice to pad the resumes of the sons and daughters of powerful Democratic Operatives. It wouldn't surprise me, after all MBNA, a big supporter of Comrade Joe mysteriously came up with a high paying phantom job for the other Biden protege Hunter. That was a few years after they helped bail Joe out of bankrupcty by purchasing a house he owned above it's market value but that's another story.
Here in Delaware by the way, Son of Biden lacks the qualifications to serve as a Family Court Judge or even to serve as an arbitrator in a civil case. But Comrade Joe obviously exercises enough political power here in the First State to force the state Democrat politboro officials to bypass deserving candidates for A. G. who have worked hard and payed their dues and to clear the way for Beau. Better watch out Jack Markell, the State Democratic Party may have been pouring tons of dough into your political campaigns and patiently grooming you for high office but Hunter may want to be governor, you never know !
Ferris Wharton who is running against Beau Jest has a long and distinguished carreer as a Prosecutor in Delaware. Wharton has succesfully prosecuted criminals in Delaware for 25 years. Those put away by Ferris include criminals of every stripe, from street criminals to the super wealthy. He served in the Attorney General's office from 1980 to 2003. The following is a listing of some of the positions that he has held :Deputy Attorney in the Felony Screeing Unit and the Rape Response Unit, Chief Prosecutor for Kent CountyDeputy Attorney General of the Felony Trial Unit, Chief Prosecutor for New Castle Countyand from 2003 to 2006 Ferris served as Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U. S. Department of Justice. Ferris Wharton has recieved numerous awards and his accomplishments take in more things than I have the time to list. Ferris has spent most of his adult life removing criminals from our streests, working for the victims of crime and making our State a safer place to live. Because of his years of service and experience Ferris has a solid vision for the future direction of the Attorney Generals Office. Ferris also has set a realistic agenda based on the needs that he has encountered working with the victims of crime.
Contrast that with Baby Biden whose hollow promises are the result of a slick marketing campaigned schemed up by high priced political consultants. For Ferris the opportunity to serve as Attorney General would be the capstone of a carreer spent serving our State in the area of Criminal Justice. It's almost as life itself has prepared Ferris to serve as Attorney General.
When you compare the accomplishments of these two men, deciding who to pull the lever for in November becomes a no brainer !
Don't fall for the political chicanery of the high priced constultants hired by the Biden's, it's just a smoke screen. The Attorney Generals Office of our State should never be reduced to mere stepping stone for someone's political career. I hope and pray that the citizens will wake up and vote in their best interest for a change !
P.S. Comrade Joe, how arrogant and cynical can you get ? Nevermind, It would hurt the country too much to find out !