The Bubble Child Generation

Willett Elemenatary School in Attleboro Massachusetts has banned the game of tag from it's recess yard, citing liability concerns. Forget the drugs and the drive bys, the Kids of America have been dropping like flies from injuries received while playing tag at school ... you mean you haven't heard ... ?
This is the same school district that cancelled dodgeball a few years ago calling it exclusionary and dangerous ! For most of us dangerous activity would include things like race car driving or serving in the military, for the Massechuttes liberio-weenicus it means being hit with a soft rubber coated ball filled with air. By the way exclusionary in libero-weenicus means that the game involves competition with winners and (perish the thought)losers.
Elementary schools in Cheyenne Wyoming and Spokane Washington have also banned tag at recess leading concerned scientists to conclude that the virus that causes libero-weenicus and progressive-male-malevolence syndrome may be air bourne. Weak Minded individuals appear to have little resistance to this scourge and experts fear that thousands of American School Children will be forced to spend recess in a protective bubble before this disease runs it's course.
According to Willett Elementary School principal Gaylene Heppe institutor of the tag ban recess is"a time when accidents can happen," !
Libero-weenicus not withstanding we still have a way to go before we catch up to our European Socialist Cousins. John Kerry and the Democrats are working hard every day to make us more like that "more highly evolved" more civiled society. Well if that day ever comes here's one of the things we'll have to look forward to:
The Dvergsbes School in Kristiansand, Norway has forbidden boys to stand while taking a pee ! The bathrooms in this school are used by boys and girls alike. The school's female principle has stated that the boys aren't good aims and need to leave the girls with a pleasant toilet. Frankly I suspect that she has an unresolved Electra complex.