Health Care Reform - A blunt message to Senator Carper
The current attempt by Obama and his fellow travelers in the U.S. Senate and the Congress to further their statist agenda by attempting to impose what they call Health Care Reform is one of the most deceitful, amoral, and contemptible attempts to destroy our nation and trap we the unwashed masses in a Socialist Slave State that has been carried out against the American People. It's time for "we the people" to stand and fight and take our country back from the grasp of these Communist Sociopaths. As part of this fight I sent the email listed below to one of my Senators, the "moderate" "sensible" and according to John McCain honorable Thomas Carper. It pulls no punches. Hopefully you will take action as well if you have not already joined the fight.
It's a terrible thing to live in an era when a government that was originally of the people by the people and for the people has instead become an enemy of the people. Our current government is little more than a tool of a 5th column made up of closet communists, socialists and other assorted sociopaths bent on destroying the foundations or our republic and the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of western civilazation itself.
So Tommie the 5th column commie, who do you think that you and your cohorts are fooling with your latest effort to destroy our economy as well as our current health care system ? I know that the criminal enterprise known as the Democratic Party and the Subversives pulling it's strings have spent a lot of time and effort in order to convince me and my countrymen that we are in a horrific crisis while avoiding every action that could take the best health care system in the world and make it better. You know like tort reform ... oh I'm sorry we wouldn't want to deprive the Leech-bag Lawyers whose lobby is a major contributor to the Socialist Democratic Party of the ill gotten gains they have pocketed during their current feeding frenzy paid for by billions of dollars drained from our pockets in the high premiums doctors are forced to pay for their malpractice insurance and from the doctor shortages some areas of our nation suffer from because so few doctors can afford to practice in a particular locality.
The Senate and House so called health care bills do nothing to improve health care. The hodgepodge of tax increases, and mechanisms to move people from their private insurance companies to the "government approved" health care plans, the proposed criminal penalties, cuts in Medicare, Ezechiel Emmanual's rating system to determine who gets and who doesn't get healthcare and many other of the proposed instruments that will be used by the Federal Government to strip away our freedom and enslave us are already known to millions of Americans. And by the way Tommie, nobody is being fooled by the "altruistic" non-profit health care provider con-job proposed by yourself and the pack of "moderate" phonies who you cavort around the capital with.
So Tommie you and your buds are hell bent on installing a system of control over our lives that has led to rationing and suffering everywhere it's been put into place. Well at least you won't have to worry about offending your fellow socialist tyrants in the EU and Canada if you're efforts succeed. They won't be angered and embarrassed by the constant parade of their countryman who save up their money and travel here to get life saving treatments instead of dying or suffering for years in the waiting lines.
It's really not about making anything better is it Tommie ? It's all about control and it's all about power. It's all about advancing the sick and evil agenda of America Hating Communist Ideologues like Saul Alinski and his proteges ! People will be denied treatment, people will suffer, people will die and very little money will go into research and advancing treatment. You and your fellow pukes will of course exempt yourselves and your familes from taking part in this wonderful health care plan. And Obama ... I mean Commie Slim, his czars, his counselors, Pelosi, Reid, Durbin, Wrangle, Frank, Dodd and thier ilk, Blowhard Biden, and yourself will be very happy I'm sure. Unless the American People wake up in time and throw every one of your dirty behinds out of office ! And I haven't even mentioned the subversives at the EPA or the Cap and Trade power grab. As far as I'm concerned, the lot of you are lower than fetid vomit and you know what ? Your actions and that of your organization have beome so ourtrageous that even the dumb butts who make up the majority of voters in this your home state may very well finally see through you and uncerrimoniously toss you out of office. I know I'll be working for it.