Twas The Night Before Christmas


"How many observe Christ's birth-day! How few, his
precepts! O! 'tis easier to keep Holidays than Commandments."

-- Benjamin Franklin (Poor Richards Almanack, 1743)

The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and oh what a sight
All across America millions of lights
Wrapping of presents, good things to do
despite the best efforts of the ACLU
People are singing, churches are full
Pastors are preaching in this season of yule
It's not about Santa though registers ring
It's time to remember the soon coming King
Even those who've forgotten what it's really about
Are hit by the fallout from the Heavenly shouts
To many their sorrows become amplified
after all it is Christmas, nobody should cry,
But children are suffering, people still starve,
Haters still murder, robbers still rob
Nothing comes out perfect,
though we're aiming so high
why are you hurting, why do you cry ?
But if God didn't step into the dark of our night
The Hope of the ages, Pure Love and True Light
Would we think of the suffering, or others in pain
What would we aim for, there'd be nothing to gain
But God stepped into our darkness, took on human life
The incarnate God-Man, True God and Pure Light
a helpless babe first
Then to pay for our sins,
He suffered the worst,
that man had to give
in Love's purest burst
He poured out his life,
He thought of us first, he took on our strife
Then he rose from the dead, His body not found
Since He's now in heaven,
the King of many crowns

But this time of year, we remember His birth
It's now time to celebrate, take in the mirth
Cause my friend their is hope, life can begin
In you personal darkness in this world filled with sin
Filled with liars, dissemblers, power mongers and clowns, 
deceitful politicians and 
dangerous thugs, 
illness and sadness but not enough love

It's all been allowed to make you look up,
there's something better, it's out there
Let Him fill your cup
His coming again, in judgement you see
To put an end to the bad, to set His people free
Yes a new world is coming, and we will all see
Is He coming for you
He is coming for me



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