
Showing posts from 2017

EU Leader moans anout Trump support for Israel

Royal Wedding - Show Pony Harry snubs President Trump

The true purpose of the Thanksgiving Holiday

Thoughts on Berdahl

NFL notes and comments

Sheriff Joe Freed


Lamala Haris

Lady Garbage's Distorted accusation against President Trump

Theresa May's failure to acknowlege the real problem

London's latest Terror attack

Kathy Griffith ... poor baby "news conference"

Bowing out of the Climate Change Agreement

Brittish pols criticize US citizens while presiding over their own disaster

President Trump meets with the Pope

Manchester Concert the latest inexcusable atrocity

My Note to ABC on Last Man Standin Petition

The Philadelphia Special Election Clown Show

Mourning the passing of Ocommie care

Brave New World agenda implemented in our schools on the sly