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Ben Carson says don't worry President Trump will come around on the issue of the NFL kneeling during our national anthem
Horse manure ! if there was systematic mistreatment and oppression of blacks by the police and by society in general then they'd have something to protest. But their kneeling supports the lies hurled against our country that have been crafted by the most vile America hating subversives for the purpose of dismantling and destroying our country. As such it is an act of both gross ignorance and disrespect ! Those taking part in it run the gamete of everything from well meaning useful idiots, maladjusted bigots, subversives, ignoramuses, week kneed cowards and low information citizens ! It's disappointing that Ben Carson has been taken in by it. It disrespects all of us but especially those who have fought to defend our country. I've been done with the NFL for two years. Nothing has changed.