The Philadelphia Riots
Sadly Democrat big city mayors like Kenney like most democrats in high positions are anti American subversives who like Barack Obama are focused on bringing our country down by whatever means are necessary stripping our moral foundations and God given freedoms as listed in the bill of rights and turning our country into a communist/socialist hell hole. What is going on is a well orchestrated and well funded insurgence. Maggots (pardon my outrage) like Kenney although not part of Antifa and BLM are doing their part by letting the rioters and useful idiots run wild legitimizing the false narrative of the left that we are a racist country, that blacks and other minorities are oppressed victims and that all police brutaliz and murder blacks with callous racist prejudice. The truth is young black males are in thousands of times more danger of being murdered by one another and that much of their poverty or whatever is the result of thwir own life choices prejudice and ignorance as well as the mores of their own subculture. The end game for the present is to use the riots, the radicals and useful idiots to scare and pressure the people of our country into believing the false reality that they are putting out and allowing changes to be made to our laws and way of life that will utimately enslave and destroy us.
The good news is that ultimately like the climate change hustle as well as the phony russian and Ukraine narratives that were invented to take down President Trump their nasty plan will fail. What has happened is horrible. It's my prayer that God will use this to open people's eyes about what is really going on and far more importantly to awaken our country and people to realize our desperate need for Him who created us loves us and died for us.