Leftist degenerate Family Guy creator using show for a filthy attack on President Trump, Melania Trump, and the Pence Family

The vile and pathological puke that passes for humor in some parts of our society just hit another decrepit low. You really have to be a low talent and clueless little punk without a whole lot upstairs to come up with the latest bilge that aired on the Fox Network's Family Guy Cartoon. And you must be working for an equally degenerate pack of jaundiced unimaginative low lives to get it on the air.

Here's the highlights of the some of the propaganda and fetid fecal matter that passes for humor with the Hollywood degenerate elite. Once again the lowest of the low make another contribution to moral and intellectual wasteland and cultural rot that has dehumanized and corrupted our culture

See below : 

The FOX hit comedy Family Guy imagined President Donald Trump, his wife Melania, and Vice President Mike Pence hanging themselves in prison in an episode that aired just after Tuesday’s presidential election.

I can’t believe Melania was deported to Slovenia and then hung herself in a European prison,” he says. The words over the screen read: “Okay, now we’re done

Family Guy, whose creator Seth MacFarlane has donated millions to the Democratic Party over the past 15 years, has long lampooned Trump. Last year, the show depicted Trump sexualizing his daughter Ivanka and saying she has a “beautiful rack.”

I can’t believe Mike Pence came out of the closet just before he hung himself in prison.” 



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