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Mitt Romney & Jeb Bush congratulate Biden on the phony proclamation that he is now President
These two slobs know that the election isn't final until every vote is counted and all legal challenges are settled. They're assisting the agenda of the degenerate subversive communist left by taking part in their strategy legitimize the false perception that the election is over and that Biden is the victor. Never in the history of our county has anything like this taken place. The sociopath leftist power mongers like Obama, Soros and others were going to make sure that Donald Trump was not reelected so they've employed various strategies and plans to steal this election. President Trump had this election won on Nov 3rd when suddenly to vote county was halted. In Pennsylvania and Michigan hundreds of thousands of paper mail in ballets were brought into polling places at 4 am in the morning and son of a gun wouldn't you know that every one of them was for Joe Biden. In Democrat strongholds political hacks filled out paper ballots for Biden and processed them, republican poll watchers, officials and vote challengers were thrown out so the accuracy of these ballots could not be confirmed. Furthermore it has been discovered that every one of the swing states and a number of other states are using software that added or switched a strategic number or percentage of votes to Biden in each county also sabotaging republican candidates down ballot. Mittens and Jebbo have no problem assisting in this election theft and in the strategy to pressure the courts to look the other way rather than put an end to this coup by fraud since undoubtedly riots will ensue.
President Trump's many accomplishments for our country economically, militarily, morally ex-cetera not only put the accomplishments of the Bush family and Romney to shame, his accomplishments expose them for the America last globalist RINOs that they are. For Romney and the Bushes it's never been America and the American People first.