New Castle County Council Votes Themselves A License To Steal

This is just wonderful, Governor Nanny increases the size of the New Castle County Government by executive fiat. The dimwit inhabitants of New Castle County stuff the Council with Democrats and suddenly we've gone from a budget surplus to a deficit. In order to fix this budget crisis the County Council has removed the mechanisms in our law that protect us from incompetent, shifty, powermongers such as themselves. Insult adds to injury when one considers that Coombs and the Democrat Party dominated New Castle County Council donated 7 million of our surplus dollars to bail out their fellow hack Mayor Jimmie 2nd (or Jimmie The Shiftless) out of trouble before the last election.

Now this same cadre of weasels is predicting a budget deficit of 45 million dollars ! Their deficit prediction is nothing more than a license to steal. If you'll remember just a few years ago Governor Nannie predicted that our state was going to suffer horrible financial times, that the budget deficit vulture was stalking us from the shadows and would swoop down and ravage us unless taxes were raised. Do you remember that or is your memory as short as the typical wooden headed Delaware Voter ? Nanny along with the compliant stiffs in the Delaware House and Senate raised our taxes, the deficit never materialized, in fact it never would have ! The economic year was great, tax money flowed in, and the State recieved a huge increase in it's coffers.

Was any of this uneeded money ever refunded to the voters as it should have been ? Do you want to buy a brigde in Brooklyn per chance? Was the money set aside in a rainy day fund ? No, the Governess and her liberal cohorts found places to spend it and where necessary created new programs.

Are you picking up a little frustration on my part ? Small wonder, most of the electorate in this County have their heads stuck so far up their tailpipes that they must have suffered
methane induced brain damage. If after all these years they haven't figured out that electing Democrats gets you hosed everytime. So, hold on to your wallet ! I'm moving to a Red State.

Bye Now Ya'll


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