Some Things Should Only Be Settled By Ballot Initiative

An Open Letter To My State Representative

I'm outraged at the successful coup against the citizens of Delaware pulled off by DNREC, and the leftwing agenda driven nut jobs who populate it. If you read the reports listed on the Yard Waste Management Committee's Website it's obvious that rather than possessing a shred of objectivity they have been agenda driven from day one. The following copy of the email that I sent to one of their committee hacks listed below generally sums up my take on this issue. They never have been interested in serving the people of Delaware by looking into options to expand our waste landfills or more creatively use our current resources.

Your groups latest power play is an object lesson on the necessity of putting matters such as Yard Waste Management before the citizens of Delaware on a ballot initiative. Obviously a like minded cadre of leftist envirnomentalists has managed to unite with the cadre of waste disposal companies owners who service Delaware by appealing to thier baser motives for excess profit at the expense of thier fellow citizens. As a result the average citizen is being screwed,

The inmates are definately running the aslymn !


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