This Global Warming Is Killing Me
According to recent data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) the planet of Mars is going through a period of significant Global Warming! Since Mars isn't inhabited by we planet raping, SUV driving, greenhouse gas guzzling human beings (even envriomental-waco leftwing ones) or little green men, the heating , must be coming from another source.
The current heatwave which has been melting more and more of the ice cap on the Martian south pole for the last 6 earth years also coincides with an increased output of heat by the Sun.
Of course radical environmentalists and the globalist powermongers who love them are using any unusual weather pattern or temperature fluctuation(which isn't necessarily unusual) to convince all of us that mankind is in a dangerous situation that can only be turned back by giving them control of our lives, including where we live and how much energy we use.
These lunatics and powermongers refuse to admit (out loud anyway) that the increased output of our solar system's humgeous Sun is a variable in temperature fluctuation. Facts like that shatter the warped "progressive" global warming world view that names a capitalist america as the source of all unfairness and evil. It (being the truth) contradics the tenents of the earth worshiping religion of the environmental wackos that views the earth as a living entity suffering from the evil activities of technological advancement and greedy western civilazation ad nauseum. The truth also stands in direct opposition to the plans of the Globalist Elitists.