Black Pastors send an open letter to Raphael Warnock
Raphael Warnock the marxist black pastor running for the United States Senate in the state of Georgia has been called out (sort of) by an open letter from 2 dozen or so black pastors. The letter expresses deep concern about Warnovk's vehement pro abortion stand as well as his rhetoric and implores him to change his mind.
Too bad they didn't express concern for Warnock's pernicious racism and bigotry or the social marxist agenda and strategy that he's pushing. It's sad that they seem unaware and unconcerned about the human wreckage that is always left in marxism's wake. The poverty, suffering and oppression that Warnock and his fellow subversives are pushing will make anything they've experienced seem like a walk in the park. Are they blissfully ignorant about the over 100 million dead human beings killed by their own communist governments in the last century? I don't think they understand who this guy really is. Having the title of reverend and a seminary degree doesn't make anyone a christian let alone morally upright or a minister of the gospel. What this guy is pushing is anything but the gospel. The church has been reluctant to confront and call out pernicious wolves and charlatans for decades. It needs to change.