The Passing of John Lewis

After his time fighting segregation with MLK  Lewis aligned himself with and became part of numerous radical leftist communist people and organizations who were and are hell bent on overthrowing this country. He was a man of extreme guts and courage, nobody can take that away from him. However like some of the others of that era his hurt evolved into bigotry and radicalism.

I couldn't and wouldn't  watch the whole dog and pony show honoring a pernicious bigot who spent the majority of his life race hustling and working for the destruction of this country. From what I came across changing the channels I wasn't about to waste my time watching and listening to a fest of politically correct pandering, self promotion, and an honoring of the deeds a  man who was committed to destroying our country. 

As for that Eulogy by the so called Reverend Raphael The Race Hustler Warnock ? Not every so called preacher is a Christian or a minister of the gospel just take a look at Jeremiah Wright.  The blasphemy spewed by this man during the eulogy was despicable and beneath contempt !

In our country today there is an organization out there calling itself the church, it's counterfeit. It`s got all the trappings , the singing, the lingo, the nice buildings,  the preaching, but it's gospel is the social gospel, it's message is deceit, it's motivation power, it's tools racism, jealousy and ignorance, it's fruit poison it's goal a social utopian (actually dystopian) nightmare.  It's enablers are powerful and willing to support it's agenda as a means of accomplishing their own wicked designs.

Frankly the whole charade permeating the airwaves was disgusting ! It grieves me to see how so many people are being mislead and played. There's an evil agenda out there, so many Americans and the young naive  members of the true church need to face this and stand up !

The article below is from It details John Lewis's political life. I encourage you to read it.


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